Tag: Philip K Dick

  • My top 10 short stories read in 2021

    My top 10 short stories read in 2021

    Every once in a while, I decide that this, this is the time when I am actually going to get into reading short fiction; so, I pick up some collection and utterly fail to get into short fiction. This has never, I should note, stopped me from buying volumes of short fiction. About a decade…

  • Hope and Despair: My Top Ten Books of 2016

    I decided a couple of days ago to go back over the books that I read this year to try to establish, largely for myself, a kind of top ten that were books I would recommend to others. It was more difficult than I expected – I read very few novels that really stuck with…

  • R.U.R: Rossum’s Universal Robots by Karel Čapek

    His sole purpose was nothing more nor less than to prove that God was no longer necessary. I thoroughly enjoyed this play, which coined the word “robot” for all subsequent SF authors. I don’t usually enjoy reading plays that much, and I have to say that I probably would have enjoyed seeing this more than…